
Step-1: Click register button for create a free account.

Step-2: Write your login information, then click Continue to Step 2 button.

Step-3: Select Company or Freelancer than type your contact information, now click to Continue to Step 3 button.

Step-4: If you selected company than select business type, Interest area and Additional search code (any keyword for looking you), now click Continue to step 4 button OR If you freelancer than select Skills and Additional search code (any keyword for looking you), now click Continue to step 4.

Step-5: Get a email verify page than click Continue button. Now check your email than click verify your e-mail address link than show bizferry welcome message, now click Continue to profile.

[Note: All king of things (profile update, services, benefits, etc.) your will use, when your status login.]

Profile Update

Step-1: Add Image.

Step-2: Update General Forms.

Step-3: Update Compliance Forms.

Step-4: Update Capability Forms.

Step-5: Update Performances Forms.

Then go home page.


Click service menu for see our packages are:

Service 1: RFQ (Request for Quotation) Service.

Service 2: Product Enquiry Service.

Service 3: Promote Product Service.

Service 4: Notification Service.


1. Click RFQ menu for any kind of job post.

2. Click Promote Product menu for your product promotion.

3. You can enquire product by (Search) button.

4. You can see your profile for edit or update when your status login and

5. You can see your dashboard for your details status when your status login.